There is a link to her blog from my Flickr photo blog.
For anyone who hasnt seen much of my other work you can check out my Flickr photoblog, the link to it is on the right link bar under "Star Servant."
While youre at it, check out all the other awesome words and photos of talented individuals that Ive had the pleasure of being acquainted with.
I have an eye infection right now. It sucks.
Monsoons are finally here. It doesnt suck.
I went shopping yesterday, and bought some nice kurtis. Now I wont look like such a firang (foreigner). Its step one in the process to becoming Indian again.
Ive been feeling rather blue lately. Something is missing in my life. Why am I never fully satisfied?
Are you?
I need to get out and start talking to people on the street.
The bridge down the street from my house is across from the Calcutta Jail. I dont know if this is a coincidence but under the bridge are many shantys, and strolling along the bridge at any given time of day are prostitutes. I want to talk to them, photograph them. I asked my co-workers if they have seen the documentary 'Born into Brothels." No one has even heard of it. No surprises as it is about the children of the prostitutes that live in North Calcutta. It has a lot to to with the emancipation of these children through the gift of photography. One of these days Mamoni and I will make a visit there.
I want my photography to have meaning, to offer some insight into 'reality.' A reality that many ignore, like the plague. I want to provoke, invoke, anger, offer solace, maybe even add laughter to peoples lives, my own life. For that, I also need a new camera, some new lenses, more expertise. I am an amateur photographer with two goals in mind, to never stop learning (and consequently educating) and to never stop clicking away.
Ok, so tennis time but no swimming today. Im going to try and hit some balls with one eye and one racket.
Goodness gracious, I ramble on.
Je suis fini.
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