I'm back! It has been far too long since my last photo entry, so I'm glad to treat you to the people photography I promised myself I would start shooting more of. These are the folks in my life right now.
I'm going to slowly work my way to shooting strangers.
It is a tentative process for me.
So without further ado..

Kanchan. Boss Man no. 1. He is in France right now, representing Inner Circle at the Marseilles Advertising Awards.

Sugato. Boss Man no. 2. Talker, thinker, creative spearhead and a man on a mission. Inspiring.

Antara. We call her Anty. Here is a woman not afraid to speak her mind and stand her ground. Copywriter galore. Strong woman? More than ever.

Amitabho. Quiet and stealthy. Strong and troubled. Bengali copywriter. Full of lovely and strange surprises, this kindred spirit.

Murali. You've met him before. He needs no further introduction. Except that on this day he was saluting the rain Gods.

Mentor and protege.

Anty, Ahona and Shreya. Ahona was quite troubled this day, and for the days before and for the days after because of nutso clients. Her phone was ringing every 3.8 minutes. Can you tell?

Gonesh. Our temporary driver. He drives like a maniac and cannot live without the car horn. I realised this when ours broke and yet he would frantically honk the horn with no response, to my utter delight.
This was the only photo I took while I was sick, outside my doctor's home.

Aisha. My second cousin! We are the same age, and the same sign. Her smile is as bright as the flower's glow.

Amrita. Aisha's older sister. Sweetest girls alive. It's so good to have family my age again.

Krittika and Priyanka. Another lovely pair of sisters. These girls are golden.

Strangers. A maid helping the little one on with her sandals.

Puchka-walla! My favourite road-side snack. The sight of this man makes me very happy. You'd have to try them to appreciate them. And for that, you need to come to India, any takers?!

This kid was enjoying some puchkas too.

Until his mummy came to take him away.

Street football, and by football I mean soccer for you North Americano's. This is what you call hardcore, I dont think I saw a single kid wearing any shoes.

Calf and mother mooo. Poor souls were tied up all morning and the cow would not stop mooing. Her leash wasnt even long enough for her to turn around to face her calf. For most of the morning the calf was probably sniffing the cows bum.

Mummy and Auro Uncle. I saved the best for last. Mamoni's dad and my mum together. This photo makes me very happy.
Thats all I'm willing to share for tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday and I shall be heading out, quite early, out of the city with the Inner Circle folk for a change. I'm sick of the city. I'm sure you will see all about it.
I hope your experiences today have really been once in a blue moon. I remember the last blue moon like it were yesterday. It was the first time I met my BO. Ive been thinking alot about you my LanBam!
I was walking through the moon-lit tennis courts tonight and I stopped and bathed in her beauty. I took in all of the life around me, a frog hopping close by, large and small bats flying around everywhere, the infinate crows and gazzillion insects and mosquitoes. I then wondered if the moon could affect me so, I wonder what it must do for natures other creatures. I will probably keep wondering till the next blue moon.
Off to do my moon salutations before bed.
1 comment:
Nice to hear that you are feeling better Rohini ... Your comment about Lana and the moon reminded me of my conversation with her yesterday. She is at Brian's family 'camp' North of Sudbury and said that the 'Moon over the lake was absolutely astounding'.
I'm sure that she thought of you as well.
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