I realise the composition in some of these photos could be a bit better, but I was shooting most of them from a moving vehicle, so bear with me..
I showed my mum these photos and she doesnt like them because they arent pretty. My arguement was that we dont live in a 'pretty' sort of world. Regardless, she made a good point, so Im going to try and make my next roll a pretty one. For you,mummy..
One kitty I wouldnt want to bring home with me.
Making sugarcane juice.
I didnt even notice the red Canadian shirt in the back till I looked at this photo.
The photo-ad of the creepy looking man in the back is India's most famous/rich/powerful actor, Amitabh Bachchan. He is a living proof of many things wrong with this society. His face is everywhere.
Basically, I find this photo unnerving.
Done and Did.
As the dear Jeffrey Moon likes to say,
Peach out.
You're making me homesick. :/ haha. A beautiful start. I'll be watching.
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