Wednesday, 26 September 2007


So I'm sorry for being so absolutely horrendous with keeping up with my blog, its not that I have been purposely neglecting it, it is simply that I haven't been taking as many photos as I would like. Myself, I cant believe that I've been reduced to one blog a month for the last two months. I am truly ashamed of myself. Life has been throwing a lot of balls, curved, inside out, upside down, over the top and under my radar, balls. And with as much grace and composure as a person like me can muster I have been trying to hit hard at all of these various "balls." The more I resist the more the universe conspires against me, but the more i persist, the further the universe conspire FOR me. So in the end, I am learning and relearning the things I always preach to those around me. Exert positive energy and it will circulate through the cosmos and come back ten fold, do the the same with negative energy and the consequences are that much more dire.
Everyday has seemed like a venture and tonight the moon is full. It has been an intense past 5 days, and I have been more than just my usual hyper-sensitive self. I swear on everything that I believe to be holy that the moon is so much more powerful, and I am so much more receptive to it here in India than anywhere else that I have been. Maybe it is in my head, but I dont feel from my head, I feel from my heart, my bones, my gut and my toes, and I feel that when the moon is full, my heart becomes so full it explodes over everyone and everything around me.

I must sign off now, as little birdies are whistling my name.
Will post ASAP.
May the eternal spirit caress your gentle souls..

1 comment:

older said...

your words are inspiring m'dear. ive been very negative lately and i feel like its affecting me in many ways. love is something ive been cursing but today i decided to start saying positive things, even if they sounded corny or werent necessarily true.. 'i believe in love', 'i am a good, loving person'. im trying it on for size and it is going to help me i think. your words affirm what i reminded myself today and i thank you. muah