Thursday, 3 June 2010

India Tribute 1: Land/City Scapes

So the following few posts are my India Tribute posts as you have probably derived from the titles. The photos may have appeared at one point or another on the blog, or not at all, but either way I figure they deserve posting. I'm pretty sure they will be more coming.

3rd Pasta, Bombay

India Gate, Bombay

Time Traveling Through Bombay

Masjid (if you know the name, please let me know!)

Fresh Fishing, Sunderbans

On the Hooghly, Calcutta

Lake Gardens by Night, Calcutta

College Street, Calcutta

College Street

Monsadah, W.B.

Shadows, Calcutta

From my balcony, Calcutta




1 comment:

Inovision said...

Wow, so amased with the blue waves (1st) picture you took, very nice!


anonymously loving ur work