Sunday 18 October, 2009

Gujarat met Bombay En Route La Bella Bambina

I'm in Bombay!

At the Taj - Photo by D

Little One, Ina

Not so little one...Do the Dew!

Belle Sorelle, Ina & Mallika

3rd Pasta

So sorry I've been so scarce. I've had some serious anxiety regarding the stealing of photos, copyright, and trust amongst 'friends.' So bear with me while I sort through the garb, and I'll be back with more photos from the Sunderbans, Kerala and a concise series of images from my trips to the school in Dhupguri.

Peace and Love,

1 comment:

Dipak Basu said...

Dear Ro,

Don't know how I stumbled on your blogspot but I was facinated by the beauty of your pictures. I asked you in Heysham Road what you do and you answered "a photographer." I have a suggestion. You should answer "a good photographer!"
