Tuesday, 28 April 2009

A Croc Pot to Dish

Its been a month of heat, humidity, translations and editions, power cuts, printing and, mounting, planes and buses, red bananas, yellow mangoes and green coconuts, midnight bicycle rides in the rain, midday bicycle rides in the blistering sun, raging tides stealing slippers and hair ties, enchanting gypsy children with beads, rooftop dinners on the sea, shore temples and the smell of the sand and sea, not to forget the crocs and alligators, pythons and tortoises, birds and species so fascinating to me..so here we go, starting with my trip to Tamil Nadu and more to come as I keep on updating you on my days of folk lore..

En Route to Pondicherry

We've Reached! Pondi!


The Sweetest creature with cut tusks. Tsk tsk.

Around Pondicherry

My Boys and Travel Buddies: Alessandro, Laurent, Marco

Travel Buddy Extraordinaire: Niko!

Riding Through the Villages on our new Wheels!

Rising Tides

Waning Moon on a Palm Stretched Night

Dinner on the Sea in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

Reflection of the Sea in Mahabalipuram and the Shore Temple in the Distance



Manga Niko


A Solar Cooker

In and Around Auroville

'Please Don't Smoke in Front of Clothes'

Happy Hungry Marco

Building a Funeral Pyre

From the Crocodile Park near Mahabalipuram

Photos around Cal taken in the last few months..

Marco at the Maidan playing football

Shots from North Calcutta


I'm relieved to finally have all these shots up, its been a long time coming...As I've been going through my body of work getting my portfolio together, I realise more and more that I hardly have any shots in and around Cal that do me any justice as a photographer. This Friday, my good friend Alaric who was in University with me in Toronto is going to be arriving in Calcutta, so I'm going to take this opportunity to get to know the city better, while showing Alaric around, through the lens of my camera...I also can't wait to visit the Botanical Gardens and Kuma Tuli again and to finally finally finally make a trip to the Planetarium, Indian Museum, and the many ghats in the city. I know its the typical touristy thing to do, but I'd like to also understand why people are so attracted to this city...and maybe in this process it will also help me understand why I too was compelled back here in the first place...
So with that said, I'll be back with lots more photos soon!
I'm also really hoping to catch a break in the next month or so with my photography. I've been putting my work up for the first time in my life to a public audience and to fellow artists and photographers, which is nerve wracking but crucial in my growth as a visual artist. I've been a part of a great community of budding artists, participating in two different art collectives and one shared exhibition with Shaswaty my new partner in crime. I will also be traveling around West Bengal for about 10 days this month as a part of a team photographing the children that attend the schools that L'Albero della Vita (Marco and Ale's NGO) support. Its going to be an incredible experience I know, lots of learning too cause I will be working with a REAL professional photographer.
If you like what you see on my blog, this is just scratching the surface of what I can accomplish as a photographer. If you or anyone you know are looking for a fresh, young, and promising photographer for commercial, fashion, urban, social and environmental contexts, feel free to contact me. I come at very reasonable rates, I'm willing and more than able to work under extreme conditions, AND I travel anywhere, anytime.

So with all that said, I hope you enjoyed this last post!
Until next time,