Hello my fellow monkey friends and family! Ive been indulgent in my blogging these last few days because I finally feel like I have some nice shots to share. I'm going through this crossover phase, testing the waters of digital SLR photography. You really get to have better feedback for street photography, so you can accommodate varying circumstances. As the title suggests, this is a random blog. Looking through photos that I have acquired over the many months here in the Indian Sub-continent, I have come to realise that
this is India. Ok so there's a little bit of Italy in my India too, but its all complimentary! After all, they do say that Bengal and Italy have many things in common..
Ok. Enough words. Time for photos..!
Key Cutter

Metro Mosaic

For Lana
At Kewpies, Bengali Restaurant

Indian Idol

Howrah Bridge by Night - On the Ganga
At Babli

Two of the best things in my world, together - Marco & Garlic!

Peace, Love and lots of Green Stuff!

A nightly ritual - washing my feet

En Route to Babli, vis a vis Santiniketan, home of Rabindranath Tagore

Super Jupiter in the countryside

Around Durga Puja time
Kuma Tully in North Calcutta

Thanks for staying till the end!
Will be updating Nepal post tomorrow, more great shots to share!
Till then all you WildCats...!
well... nice pics again ro. i especially love the one of you on the beach. i think ive told you that though
italy &india.. mia coltura e vostro cultura?
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