Friday, 28 March 2008

Puri, Orissa

Trip to the wonderful seaside town of Puri, in the neighbouring state of Orissa..

Morning Ginger Tea

Sudoku and Breakfast


On the road to the Sun Temple

Who knows what might lie beyond the horizon?

Sometimes its better not to know..
Find out more at:

*We saw many more turtles, all in different states of decomposition. This was the most bearable to look at, of them all.

Konark Sun Temple

Elephant Orgy

An almost perfect weekend away. Lots of sun, sand, fresh air, seafood and a rude awakening. It was all worth it in the end..

Till next time..
Save the world-it's in danger!

Love x 1008,
Super Dengi

A Wedding, A Birthday & Holi

A traditional Bengali Wedding

The wedding of my lovely friend Ahona

Birthday Bo

My Moms and Pops


Andy, Bini

Two of my favourite boys: Marco and Harsha

Rahul and Marco!


Dinner with Monkey Friends

Love to all.