Wow, so where to begin? First, I'd like to apologise for having no photos to post, I shoot film so I must patiently wait for my prints to be processed and scanned. And it suits me just fine that I have a photo lab just a 2 minute walk from my place.
So my mum and I made it alive, with all 4 suitcases in tow and the mildest case of jet-lag yet.
We we through customs in a flash, for the first time in my travels. Its amazing what a Canadian passport can do for you in this country.
As soon as the plane door opened I could smell the city. What a beautifully nostalgic feeling. The smell of the humidity and sewage, people, animals, earth and water. Nothing and everything has changed. New fly-overs, they are building footpaths (pavements) on many more streets which would mean people would stop walking on the roads (hopefully), or it could mean more space for people to sent up home. In fact, it actually seems like Calcutta has gotten a little cleaner.
I havent left my flat (appartment) yet, but Ive been able to get some good pictures from my windows.
As I sit in my air-conditioned room (its not on right now, but my fan is blowing right at me) and look out the window, the view of a coconut palm and mango tree sway through the thick air. Soon the mango trees will be heavy with fruit and I can go picking! And yes Lana, I will pick and eat enough for the both of us...
Its surreal being back here after so many years, but strangely, it feels normal. There hasnt been much culture shock so far, but I'm still getting used to being bitten by small ants and occasional spider, much like in Canada.
I have to put away all my armor (AKA my jewelry) every morning before the maid gets here to clean our house, cause she feels entitled to her fair share of our belongings, apparantly shes so good, she has it down to a science, like one potato a day so we dont notice! Too bad my father notices everything. In any case, my parents dont mind, because if its not her taking our things, its going to be the next maid. We live in a give and take sort of world.
I wish I could take a recording of all the sounds in this city. We have tram lines (street cars) right outside our house and let me tell you, they are no noisier than the ones in Toronto. The sound of the rickshaws, cars, buses, people, dogs, crows, neighbours yelling from one flat to the next, mixed in with the general hum of the city create this natural cacophony thats only music to my ears (mixed with all the Ratatat Ive been listening to).
This evening I'm going to meet my life-long friend, Nilanjana. I'll post a photo of her soon. Shes incredible in many ways, but I'll hold off from digressing about her for another time. Its been 6 years since we last saw each other, so this is going to be intense and the start of a long list of people I havent seen in years.
Between saying so many goodbyes in Canada to soon-to-be so many hellos here in India, I'm not sure how to really feel.
I miss my Matthew and LanBam terribly, but i asked for this, so now I must ride this deep and long wave to shore and try to love every second of it.
So I shall.
I will post some photos ASAP, until then, Namaste from the Motherland...
love love love love
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
T minus 7 days.

After 8 years in Dubai, my parents decide its time we shift roots again, so we pick up, bag and baggage to first, Calcutta, to sell all our things and then three months later to London, Ontario, Canada. I'm 12 and my whole world has turned upside down. I spoke perfect English so that wasnt an issue, but trying to fit into this North American way of life was very difficult,backwards and oftentimes nonsensical,but I'm a chameleon so I made it work. I have been moulded into the person I am today for all the intrusive, enlightening, obscure, racist, blissful, magical people, pixies, vegans and things that I have encountered.
After 8 years in Canada and 6 years between London and Toronto I havent had the opportunity to return to India. I have grown immensely in this time. I'm 20 now, my nephews are all grown up, my grandmother,who is a greatgrandmother now is still the same in my memory,but I'm sure she has aged in the way you wish time would just stand still,long enough to hold onto those you love..and all the years of smoking and drinking for my uncles and aunts are catching up with them.I havent seen any of my family in this time, except for a cousin in Florida who has been away much longer than I have. I miss them, and have practically forgotten what its like to have cousins, grandparents,uncles and aunts!
I'm returning for 6 months. I will be travelling to various places in Gujarat, West Bengal, Delhi, Rajasthan, Bombay (Mumbai!), and I hope, Thailand and Bhutan. This is the first time I have been inspired to create a photo blog. So that I may communicate with my friends, who have been my family while I have been away from mine, and document my journey through this magical,chaotic,dirty,enchanting country and beyond!
My photography is an integral part of myself and this journey. It exists to be shared with you in hopes that I may inspire you to go get lost so that you may find yourself as well. I'm going to struggle with the languages, 3 of them, buried in my memory. I'm going to struggle with the customs and traditions, the impositions upon women and the lack of respect from men. Im going to struggle with getting my Indian citizenship back, that which the government of India revoked when I turned Canadian. And I'm going to struggle with saying goodbye to my friends, and my life and my love, Matthew. Despite these negatives, I'm looking forward to each and every step because I know that I am only going to be more alive because of it.
Tune in for my weekly post, and I hope you have a fabulous spring, summer, autum and winter, I'll see you when I get back..
*Note: Indians refer to Bnegalis as 'Bongs.' Yes, I know, dont mention it..I'm Zach's favourite Bong too..
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