Monday, 22 September 2008

I'm Still Around

For those of you still checking in to this blog, you know that this post is coming after many months. How long has it been? Three maybe four months that have just whizzed by. It could be because so much has happened in the time that has passed and I havent had time to do much photography, and since this is a photo blog, I feel like I owe it to the photos that never took to wait it out till I do have some photos to show for the last few months. Of course, I have to start somewhere, so this next post will be incomplete till, well, I choose to complete it. For now, here are some shots from my last trip with Valda Baba and Marco to a fishing village on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, Bakkhali.

And I've just uploaded a bunch of photos, some of my favourite shots of the last one year to my Flickr account. Check it:

Moth Leaf

Sea of Ocypod Red Crabs. Thousands and thousands of them..

Now you see him..

Now you don't..

Will post some more sea shots when I get my hands on photos from Puri with Ashley, Lana and Marco.

Till then, thanks for still checking in on this blog, you die harders.