Monday, 29 December 2008

Last Post of the Year?

Surfaced has an old roll of film. Dated with multiple exposures, and evidence of an ancient camera that leaks light, this roll was perhaps one of the last shot with my baby Pentax ME Super. Oh what I would do to have her rollin again. This was shot on my way back from Darjeeling in August '07 and out of a roll of 24, here you have 5 frames that are admissible, and one frame that's actually worth looking at. I know, don't say it, I have the makings of a sentimentalist.

Spot the web?

I spy......Daddy Bikram!

Thassall. Back with more from Benares.
Tomorrow is Mum's birthday, so lots to do, hopefully I'll manage another post before the year's end.
Peace and Love,

Monday, 22 December 2008

Old is New

Birth Celebrations

My two favourite girls, Salima and Gayatree!

The Italian Chorus - Thomas, Anna, Mauro and Daniele


After the Birthday Fritata, Parachute Joint, Cake and random bursts of birthday songs, this was the best part of the evening...the jam session a la Mathias on Tablas, Giuliano on Guitar and Ale on Keyboards.

Tritha and Daniele!


Lana's pilgrimage to the Botanical Gardens when she visited in June. I just found these photos on a long lost memory card. Better late than never.

Stay tuned, more to always.
Seasons Greetings!

Thursday, 20 November 2008