Monday, 20 August 2007

Mountains to Molehills

Hello to all my loyal readers and observers! I would first like to apologise for taking such long breaks in between posts. There are several reasons for this. The first being my need to put down my camera for a short period of time. I was shooting so much that the meaning behind my photography was being lost in the act itself. I wanted to revive my passion for photography again by taking a short break from it. Not to mention I've been very frustrated at the condition of my 30 year old camera. It's a magnificent little creation, but its been banged up pretty bad, leaks light, double exposes photos on its own, doesnt wind when its supposed to, and winds when it shouldnt, what else? I could go on..but despite all of this, I managed to supress the urge to hurl my dear camera off a cliff in the hills. I realised that I would not only be wreaking havoc in the tea gardens below, but I would also be left with no camera to shoot with, at all. So if some of my photos are underexposed, or overexposed, and maybe even double exposed, its not because I necessarily wanted it to be like that. Maybe thats why I love film. Expect the unexpected. I hope to get a new camera soon. Theres a 21st birthday around the corner, so who knows?

Well whatever photography that I have done in the last 3 weeks or so, possibly longer, is in this next post. I promise to shoot more and deliver quicker results. As long as my camera keeps taking photos, I will keep clicking..

I dedicate this post to my brother, Rahul who turns 27 today. The last time my parents were in Darjeeling was in December, 27 years ago. You do the math. Happy Birthday Sneeze.

I played in a club tournament. My partner and I made it to the finals. But we still havent played it yet, and its been over a week. I'll let you know how we do..

This is the rest of the CC&FC tennis players and then some..Mum and Pop to the left..

Football match between the CC&Fc veterans and the "Tollywood Stars."

At the studio, shooting off the balcony, the world below..

Someone calls this home.

After landing in Bhagdogra we drove three hours to Darjeeling. The following photos are from my short trip to Darjeeling, this magical place in the heavens..

Hills in the distance, from the plains...

to the rice paddies...

and gaining altitude.


Stopping for chai and chillies..

Monkey business.

Finally in the hills, looking down, isntead of up. See the plains in the distance, thats where we began.

Rising, rising..

Enlarge the next 4 photos...

I'm mildy obsessed with spider webs. I just wish i could capture them better.

Through the streets and gulleys of Darjeeling..

Happy 60th Independence Day, Mother India!

The cemetary in the neighbouring plot of land..

View from the cemetary..

Following taken from my balcony..

My mummy and pop.

Gopin, Head Chef and awesome dude. Manisha, fire starter and sweetheart. Boy who's name I don't remember, cook. They worked at the Krshna Service Apartments, where we stayed.

Not sure what happened here, but I like it.

She worked there too.


Lots of stairs that act as shortcuts.

The End. I will be posting more tomorrow or the day after because I still have one more roll to develop.
For all the photos that I could've taken in Darjeeling but could not because of heavy rain, or fog, or no film, I don't regret because no words or photos could do this place, in god's own land, any justice. I don't believe that I have captured the serenity of this place, or its people, in a fraction of what I saw and felt with my own eyes and soul. I will return in a few months, hopefully with a new camera in tow. Anyone want to join me?
With that said, I'd like to mention how much I truly miss moments in Canada, the summer that never was and especially the other half to my Bo, Lana, Lan Bam extraordinaire! I hope for you to join me next year so that I can share my adventures with you, which I know would only be so much more incredible if we could join forces and explore these far away lands together..
My Malicat, who I miss infinately, more than he knows..I await impatiently for you to come to this land, to my home..
I put this positive energy out into the universe. Know that the next easterly breeze that you feel carries my lure to India..come to me, my loves!
Till next time,
love to all,